
Bibliographical Database

3497 Titel insgesamt | 2562 PDF vorhanden | 822 PDF verfügbar

  • Barnes, J. E. (1997): Distinguishing among shame, guilt, and embarrassment. Dissertation Abstracts International, 58(4), 2168B.
  • Barr, Abigail & Bill Kinsey (2002): Do Men Really have no Shame? CSAE WPS/2002-05
  • Barr, Abigail (2001): Social dilemmas and shame-based sanctions: experimental results from rural Zimbabwe. (October 1, 2001). The Centre for the Study of African Centre for the Study of African Economies. University of Oxford working paper series.
  • Barret, Charles Raymond B. (1895): "Riding Skimmington" and "Riding the Stang". Journal of the British Archeological Association, Bd. 50, S. 58-68.
  • Barrière-Flavy C. (1893): Les coutumes de Molandier. In: Annales du Midi : revue archéologique, historique et philologique de la France méridionale, Tome 5, N°18, 1893. pp. 219-231.
  • Barrington, Daines (1766): Observations on the statutes: chiefly the more ancient, from the Magna charta to the twenty-first of James the First, London, S. 29-31. (Ausgabe 1769: 46-49)
  • Barros, João de (1540): Dialogo da viçiosa vergonha, Olyssipone : apud Lodouicum Rotorigiu[m].
  • Bartels, Johann Friedrich (1767): Das vollständige Kulmische Recht mit nötigen Anmerkungen, Beilagen, Register nebst einer vorgesetzten kurzen Historie desselben zum gemeinen Besten, Danzig.
  • Bartlett, Peter (1997): Sodomites in the pillory in Eighteenth Century London, Social and Legal Studies, Bd. 6, Nr. 4, S. 553-572.
  • Bartmann, Bernhard (1931): Die abendländische Kirchenbusse im frühen Mittelalter, in: Theologie und Glaube Bd. 23, S. 235-239.
  • pages: 111 12 13 14 15 16 17350

    Compare also the very exhaustive research bibliography on embarrassment of William F. Sharkey – Hawaii from which some of the references have been taken.

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